From a comment over on Hot Air! that sums up how I feel about the P.O.S. pretender president we have:
Pathetic, just pathetic. This man is a non-stop embarrassment to us all. He’s run the gamut from looking the other way, to “taking charge,” to blaming others, to blaming others for blaming others to now curling up in the fetal position and declaring complete impotence. Hail the chief, indeed.
MJBrutus on June 11, 2010 at 6:17 PM
..hail to the chief, my ass!
SPECIAL PISSED-OFF MOOD UPDATE: This one is for Colleen -- and Irish lady who stopped by and excoriated me for the hate that I exhibit because I don't check out anything on (no, a**hole, I am not going to link it! Get your fat fingers engaged and Google it yourself, you sack of crap Obamanoid!)
Here's one of those pictures I plan to run from time to time to work up my fellow proles. It pretty well sums up what a sh*t-sucking a**hole we have for a leader:
Jee-zus! Am I getting close to understanding what Bush Derangement Syndrome was all about. Anyway, there's a good site -- called Michelle Obama's Mirror -- and it's a good place to vent one's catty instincts and resentment towards this soiled butt wipe.
DISCLAIMER: Cheap liquor, a bad day at work, and coming home to the fact that this guy is still president. Anyone got a good countdown timer gadget out there?