June 2, 2010

Sometimes you just want to take an old sock out of your drawer..

..and put it to a good use.

Paul McCartney -- like so many of the glitterati -- asks us to go easy on The Pantload:

“I’m a big fan, he’s a great guy. So lay off him, he’s doing great,” the British songsmith said on Tuesday, ABC News reported.

Easy for him to say, of course, living across the pond in a socialist paradise with his millions and millions of dollars. But things aren't quite the same if you're an indentured wage-slave, watching your savings evaporate, jobs vaporize, and having every vestige of your worth and beuing nibbled at by the unions, lying politicians, and corrupt, uncaring government.

He was over here to receives an award from fellow musicians:

This year’s recipient of the Library of Congress’s Gershwin Prize for Popular song, McCartney is set to perform at the White House Wednesday evening and be feted by fellow musicians Stevie Wonder, Faith Hill, the Jonas Brothers, Elvis Costello and Herbie Hancock, among others.

Speaking at a press conference in Washington ahead of the event, McCartney, 67, said he planned to “try to have fun” but predicted a case of the nerves when performing “like, three feet away” from Obama.

Oh, man! I am sure that was a very critical audience. You know, a lot of head nodding...especially Stevie Wonder. The Gershwin Prize concert is set to be broadcast on July 28. Well, I know what I'll be doing that day.

So, go ahead, Paul, old son, try to have fun there. I am sure it's a real sweat for you.

At least John Lennon lived here and paid taxes.