August 30, 2011


(Courtesy of Scooter Van Neuter and Big Hairy News.)
From an insider on Obama's plans for the 9/11 10-year anniversary observance:
“The important theme is to show the world how much we realize that 9/11 — the attacks themselves and violent extremism writ large — is not ‘just about us,’ ” said one official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe internal White House planning.
Revolting! Absolutely and remorselessly revolting!

The sequence of events over the last month-and-one-half are coagulating into a perfect storm of disgust and disapproval for this incredibly small man with his incredibly big ego.

His temper tantrums and mishandling of the so-called debt-crisis, his tone-deaf three-day Canadian bus tour, his even more tone-deaf vacation to Martha's Vineyard, his posturing photo-op at the FEMA/NHC/whatever HQ in the wake of that intense morning dew that struck the Eastern Seaboard with its 45-kt zephyrs, the massively-hardware-supported three-minute oratory to introduce his new "Clunker-for-Clunkers" czar, and now, we all breathlessly await his impending pronuncimiento on his new...newer...newest plan...outline on how he will pivot with lazer-like focus on THE JOBS PROBLEM.

This bumbling sequence of incompetent missteps is not enough? He will follow this with a watered-down, Kumbay-ya, politically-correct observance of all of the A-RAB MOOZ-LEMS who perished in, and because of the tragedy that occurred a decade ago and ranks as one of the worst transgressions against Americans on American soil..

..with a "shout out" to those brave American civilians, soldiers, sailors, airmen, and first responders who spilled their blood and have given their all that day and the following 3,654 days since.

I just want to vomit!
