November 2, 2009

Nation's Gym Bag wasting away..

From Drudge:

Mon Nov 02 2009 07:05:52 ET

Eyebrows raised over the weekend as President Obama walked out of the gym at Fort McNair -- appearing thin as a rail!

Rigorous workouts and high-stress basketball games are said to be behind the dramatic weight loss.

"No, he's not chain smoking," claims an insider. "He's working non-stop for the country... yes, he does occasionally skip meals."

The president explained in Miami last week: "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not tough."

Give me a break! Does the media seriously think we're going to feel sorry for this clown? You expect to see the tears rolling down my checks because this butt-wipe ain't getting enough vittles? Maybe he ought to spend more time in the Oval Office doing work and having cheeseburgers and fries and a shake sent int instead of hanging out in the gym. What about the media jumping all over George Bush for mountain biking?

Jee-zus, this guy and his butt-smooching, sycophantic media grind my buns!