Color me pissed!
Don't really have anything important or earth-shaking to say; I just marvel how our elected congress can ignore the will of the people so thoroughly and crawl inexorably towards usurping 1/6th of this economy to sate their own lust for power.
At every turn, the evil botoxed witch crone finagled, cajoled, and twisted circumstances to squeeze out just enough votes in the House to get her 1,990-page unconstitutional abortion passed during the dark oscurity of a Saturday night.
And, similarly, the old crone from Nevada has done the same -- or at least managed to enable the start of a debate -- on a similar usurpation and vulgar insinuation into the most private part of our lives. And he as done it has done it on a Saturday night as well.
The most insulting aspect of this is how we can't get these assholes to put in a 40-hour week and yet they are paid like princes and princesses and given astounding privileges. The only time they work overtime is when it serves their interests. Doubt me? Just ask Mary Landriue of Louisiana who made off with 100 million bucks for her start for her vote tonight.
Oh sure, she says she won't vote on the final bill if it has a public option, but I'm thinking that Reid will come up with another 100 million for that whore to spread her legs again.
And Lincoln of Arkansas? She's got her sequined knee-pads on and is servicing Reid as we speak.
(I am sorry if the above is offensive but, hey, you want tempered language, go somewhere else. It is far less obscene that what was done to you a few Saturday nights ago and tonight.)
All this started in early August when thousands -- no, millions -- of concerned citizens expressed their worry, anger, resentment, and despair over the potential of what that imbecile buffoon-in-chief, the botox beyotch, and Dingy Harry were beginning to forge. We smugly thought, despite the incredible show of arrogance by our elected representatives at the town hall meetings, that the great health care robbery would not eventuate. It seemed abundantly clear to us that these jerks and jerkettes would not dare to go against such massive demonstrations as those that manifested themselves in D.C. and across the land on September 12th or the ad hoc gathering called for by Michele Bachmann a few weeks ago.
Boy are we dopes!
We got had by these folks like hicks at a carny sideshow.
So, folks, how's it feel bending over and grabbing your ankles?
Frankly, I am not into saying things like, "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
About the only hope I can hold out for is that it will be our turn next year and, if we let them get away with this, we have only ourselves to blame. I will have my sights set on getting rid of Reid and am already backing Danny Tarkanian to send that old bum packing back to Nevada. I don't think we can get rid of Pelousy but maybe we can make her serve out the rest of her congressional term(s) in some menopausal powerless vacuum, a discarded, marginalized, and ignored waste of sagging skin.
Obama? His turn comes in 2012.
UPDATE: Cliff over at ABC updates us on what a Mary Landrieu trick is going for these days. Three hunnert mill is a lot even for a high price hooker. Seems like, despite the millions of federal bailout money heading to Louisiana, they still haven't cleaned all of the garbage out of that state. This broad and that GOP turncoat piece of crap, Anh Cao, still persist.
There's an old joke about texas that needs to be updated: How do you find Louisana? Go East until you smell it and then South until you step in it.