November 29, 2019

Kamelnoze on the threshold of a big toilet flush..

I despise most of the Democrat candidates running for POTUS and those I do not despise, I am highly suspicious of. (I am looking at you, Major Grabber!) But of these candidates there are two that I am at once terrified of and believe them nothing more than human sewage.

The first is Elizabeth "Chief Shitting Bull" Warren who is a terminally unctuous, condescending, patronizing, inveterate liar. Besides, she probably smells like one of those old ladies who has lived by herself for the last twenty years with about forty-three cats and who smells like moth balls and three day old liver and onions. The faster she folds and drags her beaver back to her wigwam, the happier I shall be.

But the one I truly hope will die and fester in the noonday Mexicali sun is Kamala Harris, A.K.A. "Kamelnoze Hairyass".

Of course, the fact that her campaign is cratering is a source of immense joy for me; she not only deserves it but we avoid the danger of her getting anywhere near the levers of federal executive power.

Adding to campaign woes is the fact that a very senior staffer -- Kelly Mehlenbacher -- has left her campaign to join Bloomberg's staff (as he attempts to buy the Dem nomination) and the staffer has written a steaming resignation letter that outlines the warts of Kamelnoze's campaign. I thought I'd post the resignation letter and show that it alleges how truly incompetent Kamelnoze's campaign really is.

Here goes:

..while the letter is self-explanatory, it sure as shit shows that Harris is an incompetent leader and organizer and doesn't give a flying f**k for her staff or those who work for her. That she wants to lead the most powerful nation in the free world given what's cited by Mehlenbacher is an obscene joke.

In both the letter and other fragments floating to the top of the toilet bowl over the last few months of the campaign shows Harris to be ham-fisted, insensitive, self-centered, and has a serious lack of people and administrative skills and -- in all probability -- should not be U. S. Senator.

She probably should not even be a goddam toilet attendant!

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