March 27, 2011

Full Circle for the Left..

It's getting a lot harder and harder for me to overlook the incredible hypocrisy of the Left who delighted in skewering George W. Bush on his post-Saddam-toppling speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln as it steamed towards San Diego in 2003.

The Samba-dancing-golf-playing-anything-but-serious POTUS put us into the war to free the Libyan Al Queda rebels from the death grip of Quadaffy Duck and then flies off to a vacation with the WIDE LOAD FLOTUS and family to tour South America starting with Rio. Rumors have it that in-laws and other hangers-on were part of the entourage. If any of you out there can offer up a link to add to this Presidential indulgence, I am all ears. (But, then again, so if The Pantload.)

With gas going through the roof, Japan mopping up from their tragic disasters, and his cobbled-together coalition of Euro-socialists, the U. K., and a handful of Arab city-states disintegrating, Telephone Tommy returns and utters his version of Bush's USS Abraham Lincoln pronouncement:

Click to embiggen

..yessir, folks, tougher and tougher for the Left to differentiate. So I am sure we will see the massive protests, the signs comparing Obama to Hitler, the chants of "Obama lied, towel heads died..", Code Pink up in arms over this clown, the media drumbeat, etc.

Instead  we get crickets..


March 23, 2011

Gettng behind an issue..

My friend, Tom, the Georgia Police detective, sends this interesting item about gun ownership:

I have dear friends on both sides of the handgun issue, those who believe easy access to hand guns is not good for this country and those who believe government has no business dictating ownership one way or the other.

I have gained valuable understanding from both arguments. I have made my final decision. Certain Americans, especially those who are more likely to become victims of crime, need to own and become proficient with handguns!

"Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma'am.."

But I cannot discuss this important issue further right now. I REALLY Gotta get back to the firing range..'s my turn to pick up the brass behind the shooting stations.


March 20, 2011

Piss in your shoe..

Remember Animal House? The part at the tribunal where Belushi & Co. utter off-color epithets ("horrrrr-sh*t!") masked as coughs and sneezes?Well, when we had our Tuesday drills in the good ol' USAF ROTC, one of our waggish detachment C/Os would gargle the title of this post in lieu of the standard command, "Pass in review!"

Given the picture above of our Lord High Emperor, Telephone Tommy, this just seemed appropriate as he launches us into a third war against a leader who basically "came to Jesus" after he saw George Bush kick the crap out of Al Queda in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If you think I am being hypocritical about this, then you can head to Washington or anyplace that Barry and Big Butt are currently holidaying and demonstrate with Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan and the other anti-war crowd who will no doubt tumultuously be calling for his head.

BY THE WAY: I am "educable" on this matter. I have basically tuned out the so-called Arab Revolution and its significance and welcome instruction.

UPDATE: Now it seems that even the Pantload's beloved mouthpiece news organization, The AP, is getting into the POTUS Nickname Biz:
RIO DE JANEIRO – President Barack Obama played grand tourist to Rio de Janeiro's vivid extremes on Sunday, motorcading from brilliant beaches to a notorious slum even as he monitored U.S. military strikes in faraway Libya.

March 17, 2011

Dear Newt.. response to another "inner sanctum", "hands-in-your-wallet" missive from The Gingstrich:

Clink on me to embiggen..


Hoo-ray! It's Thursday..

It's politically incorrect day here at The Warplanner's. Chew on this, Abdul:


March 16, 2011

It's your nickel, folks..

" service?"

Telephone Tommie is at it again. After a strenuous week of picking the Number One seeds in the four NCAA regions (and picking Duke to win it all) as well as ducking the Libya crisis, the Japan Crisis, the rising gas and food prices, and, well, just about everything our elected chief executive is hired and paid to do, he's off with his family to Brazil and, presumably, some time on the links. He's taking the FLOTUS and the CHOTUSes with him but he's leaving the heavy security tab behind for us to pick up.

As I recall, Brazil does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S. Maybe, hopefully, he's fleeing the country and will stay in Rio.. words to God's ears.

UPDATE: When this was announced in the Oval Office, someone's asshole slammed down to F/16, I'll bet: you really believe there's no presidential run in mind sight? really? From the lady who said she'd finish out her term in the Senate?


March 15, 2011

Fresh as Springtime..

A couple of posts ago, I wrote a short note on how Prez Phone-It-In was at it again. Er, actually, NOT at it again. Just like the Gulf crisis, when he should be at the head of his country, leading our efforts. he's taking it on the lam, playing with himself, and otherwise keeping a low profile by appearing to be above the fray. He's becoming the bookie-in-chief, fer crissakes!

By now, a breathless world has seen that Princess Phone has boldly stepped up and decisively made known his March Madness picks for the NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four. And, in what must have been an audacity of hype, POTUS Pants selected the number one seeds in all four brackets. Whattta guy! He has genitalia the size of -- er -- BBs.

Christ, he can't even get "Phoning It In" right.

And just in time, too. Because we are on the threshold of the precipice of the waning days before the beginning of the start of the commencement of the 2012 campaign season. We are, as Churchill once said, not at the end, nor are we at the beginning of the end, but it is safe to say we are at the end of the beginning. Anyway, coincidentally with all of this feeling of fresh, new, breezy Springtime revival, an article by Charles Babington of the AP kind of alludes to how, instead of Obama being a newly blooming daisy or daffodil or sunflower, he is more like a moldering piece of cow flop in a pasture.

Obama's team seeks new ways to fire up his base
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barack Obama rode a wave of voter passion in 2008 fed largely by intense dislike of President George W. Bush and the Iraq war, plus excitement among young and minority voters at the notion of electing the nation's first black president.

Now, as Obama cranks up his re-election campaign, all those factors are absent.

But does this worry our beloved pantload? Like a guy cranked up on LSD, he just keeps trucking through his own reality:

Obama acknowledged the challenge last week in Boston. "Somebody asked me, how do we reinvigorate the population, the voter, after two very tough years?" he told Democratic donors. "How do we recapture that magic that got so many young people involved for the very first time in 2008?"

One answer, the president said, is to persuade hardcore liberals to swallow their anger over political compromises the administration reached with Republicans, even when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress.

Obama's concessions include dropping his proposed public option for health insurance, and extending Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest.

"There's no weakness in us trying to reach out and seeing if we can find common ground," the president said.

Despite his pleas, many Obama supporters clearly are disappointed. When he was inaugurated, 83 percent of Democrats said they expected his presidency to be above average, and nearly half predicted it would be "outstanding," an AP-GfK poll found. Two years later, 68 percent of Democrats rated it above average so far, and just 20 percent called it outstanding.

Last fall's elections were a disaster not only for the hundreds of Democrats voted out of Congress, governorships and state legislatures. They raised questions about Obama, too.

Thirty-seven percent of voters told exit pollsters they cast ballots explicitly to oppose the president, while 23 percent said their votes represented support for him.

But if Obama is wandering around in dreamland, he's got company; his staff is equally delusional.

Top Obama aides say things will look better by mid-2012, for several reasons.

They say GOP-led efforts to end state workers' collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin and elsewhere are dramatically galvanizing the labor movement, a key Democratic constituency. Some union activists wish Obama would speak up more forcefully for them. But campaign aides say they think he is walking the right line by supporting unions without appearing unduly beholden to them.

Another key group, gays and lesbians, may shrug off several disappointments and work hard for Obama's re-election because he signed legislation beginning the repeal of the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which barred gays from serving openly in the military.

There you have it, the Democrat strategy in a nutshell: seek the pissed off   ultra-lib-victim, harness their anger or throw them a bone, and bridle and saddle them for the upcoming campaign.

If we can get a candidate who is not some warmed over retread (I'm talking about you Mitt and Newt) and a GOP who can mount a campaign that does more than promise $100 billions in budget cuts and shorts the public expectation on that promise. An organization and who will finally grow a pair and hammer this clown and nail his sorry his sorry administration to the cross for what it has (and hasn't) done, then maybe we'll be rid of him and his sorry coterie of sycophants forever.

Like the Japanese tragedy, I ain't gonna do any analysis here -- we will have 18 months of that coming up soon -- but I will say that this clown is going to have a lot more trouble getting re-elected than he thinks. The perfect storm that swept him into office in 2008 has blown out and all that's left on the is some flotsam, jetsam, used condominiums, empty beer cans..

..and some oil slicks.


Rising Sun..

Gentle reader(s), it's not that I am ignoring he terrible events in Japan, it's just that I cannot deal with writing anything that has not already been written or said or broadcast or written again or said again or broadcast again. Of course, Mrs War Planner is concerned over her friends and family -- who are, for the moment, safe and sound. But in the War Planner ancestral manse, we have the Japanese channel going night and day and the pictures and commentary (from the fragmentary Japanese I comprehend) is just too disheartening for me to add anything but sadness and despair over the people back in Seiko's homeland.

I will impart this brickbat: After all is said and done, it would seem that the biggest nuclear meltdown will probably be the hyperventilating drivel that the MSM is shoveling out there in an effort to stay abreast of one another in the ratings  war. Even Fox and Drudge are whoring themselves out. Adding to this, of course, is  that slavering pack of bleeding heart, AGW, nuke haters in the lib peace-creep media.

I pray that the reactors remain intact and no one is harmed by them. But, if anti-nuke people think that they can make a case for shutting down all power stations on the basis that a 40-year-old generating station two months from being retired survived the largest earthquake to ever hit Japan, the fifth largest in the world, a host of stunningly potent aftershocks, and a 1o meter tsunami, then I am afraid that this will probably -- ahem -- blow up in their faces.

I certainly don't have any favorite charity and, in my impoverished state, would not even presume to recommend your contributing to the myriad "worthy causes" that spring up during crises like these. Somehow, we keep getting our heart stings tugged by the professional guilt merchants who panhandle outside the Stater Brothers' or Ralph's. You get a $5.00 candy bar and some kid in Sendai gets a bottle of water.

I know the Japanese people; they are tough, disciplined, and will survive this. We devastated them in WWII and they came back to build the third largest economy in the world. No natural resources; only ingenuity, guts, and hard work. Someone told me once that, "It's no shame getting knocked down. The only shame is not getting back up afterward."

If you have a favorite charity, then give by all means. But prayers and keeping them in your thoughts don't cost nothin'



Mike Allen's headline on his Politico column:

..and the first graph above the fold:

Suggest a new sobriquet for this clown: President Phone-it-In. Works for me. Seems to be working for the American public as well. Here's the latest numbers from RAZ:

Prince Fairy Pants sinks beneath the waves..
Click to embiggen. Note that his 20% strongly approve is the lowest total on record (I think) and his strongly disapprove only trails his total approve by one point, 42% to 43%.

Sucks to be him.


March 9, 2011

Turn out the lights, the party's over.. long as we're repealing screwy laws like Obama's idiot health care plan, why don't we take aim at a few other follies:

I positively hate the government for screwing up opur lives to no end. Can I get an "Amen"?


March 7, 2011

Take a seat..

From my friend, 1LT Bill, newly of Squadron 68, CAP/USAF Auxiliary, comes this novel -- even fun -- way to pay your taxes:

Dear Internal Revenue Service:

Enclosed you will find my 2010 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes. Please note the attached article from the USA Today newspaper, dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.

I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.

Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund", as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1.5 inch Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head Screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.

It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.


A Satisfied Taxpayer

If this keeps up, each April 15th could be an interesting time of year.


March 6, 2011

Plan to start to prepare to begin to commence..

 ..just got an e-mail from Newt Gingrich whom I do not dislike but am -- so far -- ambivalent to as my future leader. I think Newt did a great job back in the early 90s bringing turning the train-wreck Liberal Clinton presidency around. But then Bill got really skillful and did o.k. 'n stuff. I mean, except for groping a few interns, The Cohibatator would have been a better choice than our present-day King Doofus.

Anyway, Newt proudly announced to me that I and a few million others on his purchased e-mail list were in that inner sanctum, that tight coterie of those closest to his heart: the knock-out babe trophy wife up there and all that, don't he? (Remember  Mrs McCain?) Sure looks like a winner; the type of guy we want to flush The Pantload in 2012, right?

Well, pols do not tickle the electrons of your in box unless there's a reason to do so and here's the kicker:

I don't know if you can read that, but basically old Newt and his ravishing bride want me to advance them some folding green against the chance that he might throw his hat in the ring.

Say what?

Upon hearing this, my neighbor, Tim the Brit, told  me this morning about Spike Milligan (one of the Goons) announcing to the audience at one of his shows that he would like to read some of Byron's poetry..

..then after the smattering of applause died away, he continued, "..but then again, I shan't. After all he's never read any of mine at his shows." 

See me next January, Newt.

March 1, 2011

Getting back in touch with nature..

..and our Southern Brouthern..
