You host a state dinner and have as one of the honored guests, the prime minister of the largest democracy in the world. You stand in his honor to offer a salutation to this fellow head of state holding your water glass adorned with a paper napkin?
This is so-o-o-o-o wrong on so many levels. It is like a scene from one of those wedding-receptions-held-in-a-Holiday-Inn-hospitality-room, for instance, with the clueless guest offering up some mumbling me-too plaudits for the bride and groom.
Paper napkins for state dinners? And you can't get wide with a little glass of bubbly for the PM?
(Hat tip to Hot Air's What was the Obamateurism of the Week (12/6)? and to the contributor petunia who pointed out the paper napkin.)
UPDATE: Our golden boy, The POSOTUS, after a turkey break, is firmly orbiting in the mid minus teens at the RAZ DT. Note that his Strongly Approve numbers for this day weigh in at a low of 25 percent.
Doin' the Limbo Rock!
Since the state dinner was held in a TENT, I see no disconnect with the paper tissue.
ReplyDelete..I do. It's a STATE DINNER with a foreign head of state, fercrissakes, and one must keep up appearances.
ReplyDeleteAppearances? From this guy, who will bow to any Skid Row bum that he runs into? I think our keeping up with appearances has gone the way of the USC Trojans: yeah, they were pretty good, up until the last administration...
ReplyDelete(a little Pac 10 humor, there)
Obama looks right at home. He is a low life.