September 5, 2016

Pee Diddely Shit..

So, it seems that Donald Trump has lit a fire under a number of assholes' asses with his outreach to the black community -- and it seems to have especially annoyed some of the race pimps who perceive Trump and moving in on their territory. Here's a blast From BB on the subject from two of 'em:

In an interview with Al Sharpton on Sunday, rap and fashion mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs urged the African-American community to “turn up the heat” on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, because their issues have not been addressed under President Obama’s leadership.

“I feel like we put President Obama in the White House. When I look back, I just wanted more done for my people because that’s the name of the game,” Diddy told Sharpton on the latter’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation on Sunday.

“This is politics. You put somebody in office, you get in return the things that you care about for your communities. I think we got a little bit shortchanged,” the 46-year-old mogul continued. “That’s not knocking the president. …He’s done an excellent job, you know, but I think it’s time to turn up the heat because the black vote is going to decide who is the next president of the United States.”

That's rich. These guys -- both wealthy and black get together and beat their gums about a black president who "dint do nuffin" for their people arguably cause race relations to deteriorate int he eight years he was he HNIC.

Look, I understand where they are coming from and blacks have EVERY RIGHT to be pissed off at politicians who patronize them EVERY TWO TO FOUR YEARS, get their vote, and then go into hiding until the next elections. Shit howdy, I can't stand these butt wipe pols myself and, compared to some crack whore in the projects, I am "a honky wif a crib and gitas and a ride and I be livin' large"..

..or however you say it.

I also see where they would get annoyed at the GOPe who NEVER EVEN GOES THERE AND ASKS FOR THEIR VOTE. Nutless, dickless McStain and Mutt Rumbley just hung with their rich posses and soldiered on with out any outreach howsumever. So, as far as them government is concerned, black folks can choose a shithead form column A or a shithead form column B.

Speaking of shitheads, here's his opponent on the subject of this outreach:
During a speech in August in Reno, Nevada, Clinton accused Trump of being disingenuous with his outreach to African-American voters. Clinton also accused Trump of “mainstreaming” white nationalism.

“Donald Trump misses so much,” Clinton said. “He doesn’t see the success of black leaders in every field, the vibrancy of black-owned businesses, the strength of the black church. He doesn’t see the excellence of historically black
colleges and universities or the pride of black parents watching their children thrive.”
Well, there you go, folks! From her hidden bunker and hospital room somewhere in upstate New York or at some Hollywood or Hamptons or Woods' Hole fundraiser, Frau Colostomy Bag chirps out some meaningless blather during her busy schedule of NOT going to Louisiana or NOT going to Mexico City like we give a flying crap. Add to that the fact that she has been part of the problem since she and her husband (the real "First Black President") arrived on the scene in early '91 locking up them soul brothers and doing jack shit for the racial tensions as FLOTUS, Senator form New York, and SOS."

Shut your pie-hole, you insufferable, sclerotic old cunt.

So then, of course (and rightfully or wrongfully), I believe Donald Trump is motivated to do this outreach for the same reason he was motivated to run for President. Basically, he's a 71-year-old man with all the money he needs to care for his family and live out his life in comfort and relative worry. He sure as shit does not need the stress and aggravation he's getting on the campaign trail now from the media and the Democrats and the race pimps and all of the rest of this crowd who have turned the United States of America into a shit pile of weak, mewling assholes and GimmeDats. And, when he wins the election, this will only increase exponentially.

Also, there's a history of race pimps on the subject of Donald Trump that makes their words today pretty embarrassing:

Like I said, expect people to whine when you move in on their territory.