By the way, I gotta tangential rant on Dark Star's observation.
Raise your hand if you are an old codger like me and remember VOTING in 1980 to flush that drooling goober farmer! The rest of you gather 'round while the ol' War Planner regales you with his rapidly fading memories.
It was back in the Fall of ought-80 that we were saddled with that drooler but there warn't no interwebs or nothing. All we had was the Alphbets and a few polls. That bravo sierra that The Gummed Faerie was proliferating was absolute rubbish -- as was his goddam scatter chart showing reagan up mightily in the polls over Carter.
All we proles knew was (1) we hated Carter and (2) we woulda voted for Beelzebub instead of that road pie. We were all groveling for our Victory Gin and thin stew and chocolate ration and we were at war with Eastaisa (at the time) and them bastages had held our embassy folks for 444 days. WE HAD NO FREAKING IDEA WHO WAS AHEAD OR BEHIND. WE JUST WANTED CARTER GONE!
I stepped into the polling booth at about 1715 PST on that first Tuesday and pulled the chain. I had no freaking idea it was going to be a landslide.
No freaking idea!
When I got home at 1730 PST, my father-in-law told me Carter capitulated! So, this over-the-weekend movement towards Ronald Reagan may have gone on, but it was a well-kept secret from the average Joe like myself.
So, here's what I think: what you're seeing with all of the last-minute polling shenanigans may be partly these idjits trying to preserve their little A-2 bomber-jacket-wearing fruitball POTUS but it's probably partly the sausage being made that you can now see because of the intertoobes or something.
What's that HG commenter say?
Clear ether!
..thanks for listening. We will now resume our regularly scheduled programming.
..just wanted to preserve this. I think Tuesday, our nightmare will come to an end. Hope I am correct.