POTUS Sack-o-Shit™ asked his voters to "take revenge" on election day:
During a speech in Springfield, Ohio, Obama talked about the Clinton administration and its economic plan that "asked the wealthiest Americans to pay a little bit more." Then he mentioned Mitt Romney, drawing boos from the crowd.Romney was quick to pounce on that:
"No, no, no -- don't boo, vote," Obama said. "Vote. Voting is the best revenge."
It was a slight riff on the president's usual interjection when members of the audience start booing.
..and followed it up with this:
"I think it's a terrible message to be sending," Romney senior adviser Kevin Madden said. "The contrast could not be more stark. Governor Romney is out campaigning on a positive message of change while the president is talking about revenge."Of course, one of Obama's minions wee-weed out something about Romney scaring people with his talk of Jeeps being made in China, but the whole conversation sure is indicative of who's winning and who is a nervous little man strutting around the country in his little POTUS USAF A-2 bomber jacket, afraid of losing his precious title and perks.
What a nutless frump!