March 23, 2016

Not an existential threat, my ass!

Our beloved Lawn Jockey -- not 24 hours from yet the R.O.P. Goat humpers' Brussels murder spree -- released video saying that ISIL (not even the stones to call it ISIS) is NOT an existential threat to the U. S.

You really want to listen to the simpering, lisping, dripping pile of phallic rash on this subject then you go ahead and Google it. All I gotta say is:

Existential Threat this, Butt Wiper!

..and, while we're on the question of what that feather-boa-wearing fruitball will be doing after after 20 January 2017, I understand that Bill & Hill have asked him to stay on as part of their administration:


1 comment:

  1. He wants to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
