Here's a couple of tidbits to brighten your day:
Sure glad to see Beckel go. He was a recovering alcoholic and a blowhard of epic proportions who wore out his re-welcome almost as soon as he was re-hired. His screeds and on-air bloviations were irritating and it is easy to imagine someone cold-cocking this drunken, coke-fueled irascible asshole in a bar sometime.
As to Wiener, I am down on my knees, praying fervently that he does time in stir. Pedos in prison are not among the most beloved in that population and it is among my most fondest of wishes he emerges from The Greybar Hotel with a profound inability to sit comfortably on traffic bollards or fire plugs with any degree of ease.
..just sayin'.
ADD Fell Good Friday..courtesy Weasel Zippers: