September 22, 2015

Your Next POTUS

Another in a soon-to-be long line of Democrat "firsts", herewith is the first hemorrhoid running for POTUS:

..and, just for grins, here are some more pictures of this fat, decaying beached whale:

And some real works of art from Hot Gas regular bmore:

Little MIss Black Lying Hoodie

Decaying, Beached Whale

Battle-Scarred Loser Cunt

Driving Miss Crazy

In-Eva-table Hillary

To merely borrow these without credit would be an unpardonable sin. Bmore is an exceedingly talented photo-shop artist and these are but a small sample in his collection of political commentary masterpieces. You owe it to yourselves to visit his site and take them all in.

I got comments from dear old friends of my bygone days of political activism and they are part of life's daily treasures. It is especially heart-waming that these gentlemen still stopped by this moribund site from time to time.

Larry and Woodsterman, true friends with whom I have broken bread and spilled whiskey stopped by, and in their honor, I stole this shot of the Magnificent Decaying Beached Whale Cunt from Odie's site. Per his instructions, I am doing my small part to make it go viral.

Staggeringly unbelievable: This creature is contemplating becoming the leader of the Free World 
