I want to see Donald Trump win the nomination and I want this to happen for many reasons, chief among them my desire to see heads exploding, wailing, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, and general discontent by those in the establishment who have been smugly bending us over and giving us "the big umbie"* for the past - oh - sixteen years (if not more) without benefit of jelly (K-Y, petroleum, grape, or cranberry).
In the previous post, I mentioned my amazement at the disorientation that this campaign season is causing. Up is down, left is right, and the shape-shifting of personalities, heroes, enemies, former heroes, and former heroes.
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Ben Shapiro |
Also out, of course, is Ed Morrissey and his crew of nincompoops who saw fit to disenfranchise a family of loyal followers (some for more than ten years) over at Hot Air by going to FaceBook commenting. When we requested a redress of grievances, he was rather abrupt with one or two of the old timers, basically telling them to pound sand. (So a few of the more enterprising wandered off into the interwebs wilderness, staked out a homestead and put up a little sod hut on the prairie called "HogGas.Net" and invited the family to move in with them. Ninety percent of us did so and it was like we never left home -- except that we are now a closer, tighter knit family and would go to the point of preciously guarding each other's sacred honor. We never looked back!
(You are, by the way, invited over. Just knock politely, wipe your shoes on the mat, doff your cap and greet everyone civilly and politely.)
And, as long as we're at it, you can scratch Mark Levin off the list. In addition to the fact that his shows are nothing but #NeverTtump diatribes, he has turned into a Little Johnny One-Note bloviating gas bag with his incessant hectoring and screaming.
In: the remnants of Fox news who stick up for Trump, either because they like his candidacy, what he advocates, or that they just want to see things done in an honorable, straightforward, and above-board manner. This includes Jeanine Pirro (who makes me fall in love with her ALL OVER each Saturday evening 1800 PDT), Sean Hannity (who makes me recant my pledge to NEVER watch his show ever again after 6 November 2012; I just peek once in a while).
Similarly, there are others, like The tall, skinny blonde broad, Ann Coulter, whom I once loved, then disliked, but have now fallen in love all over again because of her defiant support of Trump because she feels that he is being treated unfairly and that the establishment needs the big unbie turned on themselves for a change.
So-o-o-o-o anyway, I am way off topic here but I wanted to call to everyone's attention two more people who have wandered into my field of fire: The pot-and-pan-bangers from Los Angeles afternoon drive at KFI 640. They mostly run a show where they gin up the ratings by means of outrage and, of course, The Donald's daily drama and the primary and general elections promise them plenty of material.
And, finally, this brings me to my point: this afternoon, they colorfully characterized the dust up between HRC and the Vermont Geriatric as a screaming match in the looney wing of the old folks' home. Which, in my book, is a metaphor that will be hard to wash out of my mind. (A subsequent trip into the house to attend to business had me gazing at Brett Baer and the panel where Byron York made a similar observation, so it must be catching.)
They played clips of these two old geezers screaming at each other over who who was first to back the $15 minimum wage, with the old geezer from Brooklyn by way of Montpelier, said that The decaying Beached Whale (HRC) cut her backing off at $12 whereas he maxed out at the full banana.
Whereupon, John and Ken correctly observed that these two old communists were playing with OUR money. You know, like how the hell is it correct that the government defy the laws of supply and demand with their own intrusive legislation. If someone wants to pay $5 per hour and he doesn't get any good applicants, then he will soon raise his offer until he gets the competent folks he needs.
Anyway, it went on like this to the point of incredulity when Sanders said that we should not be giving felons jail time but rather college educations. You know, commit a murder and get into Cal Berkeley.
Yeah, that stupid; just like two old crazy people in the rest home.
So add John and Ken to my afternoon drive entertainment schedule..
..and, of course, scratch Huge Hewitless off.
*This term was coined by my UCLA Lambda Chi fraternity brother, Danny Wexler. It refers to "The Big Umbrella" being inserted closed into one's rectum and then opened before withdrawing. You know, as in, "How did you do on that chem midterm, Danny?"
"Oh, man! I took the big umbie!"
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