September 3, 2010

To hell with next Tuesday..

..I'm not waiting until then, I'm starting now. It seems that Boxer was given another chance to apologize for her arrogance during the Fiorina v. Box-o-Rocks debate and..

..she whiffed. Swing and a miss, strike two!

I cannot imagine anyone coming up with a more appropriate example of Democrat aloofness and condescension than this dessicated old crone. That she has been allowed to languish in that senate seat for 18 years - 18 years! - and produce only three bills - THREE BILLS -- speaks none too kindly for the jerkwad voters in this state. We are surely a clueless lot.

But our chance to send Boxer packing is coming; I do not think we should miss it, so you?



  1. Barbara "don't call me mam" Boxer has to GO!

  2. She's a dried up old prune who has done NOTHING -- NOTHING -- FRIGGING NOTHING for either the nation or for the State of California. The only reason she retained her seat is because she simply voted for whatever the party asked her to vote for and they funded her retention in office.

  3. Unbelievable when she first said that and now, even after learning of proper military decorum which she should have known to begin with being a senator, she still yet does not get it!

  4. "That she has been allowed to languish in that senate seat for 18 years - 18 years! - and produce only three bills - THREE BILLS -- speaks none too kindly for the jerkwad voters in this state."

    OTOH, I figure the less laws a politician passes, the better...!

  5. I'm going to mention this too...unreal.
