November 9, 2010

A week later..

I had to capture this picture. No special reason; just wanted to remind myself what would happen to this country should The Child Emperor take one (God forbid) on his current imperial caravan to Inja's sunny climes.

Yep, it would be this fool -- waiting in the wings -- who would run around frantically looking for a phone booth to change into his Superman suit. More reminiscent of the Mighty Mouse cartoon, really.

The occasion of Slow Joe's histrionics and gesticulations? It seems that our VPOTUS was at another conference discussing the transparency of the Obama regime -- at a meeting that was closed to the public:

Possibly the most important event of the vice president's day Tuesday is to meet at 2:15 with Earl Devaney. Everyone knows him as chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board -- the top guy monitoring the gazillion-dollar stimulus and the overdue economic recovery, and ensuring that the taxpayers financing same know all about it.

However, no one outside the room will know what goes on in that Biden-Devaney meeting. That's because the government meeting on government transparency has been closed.

O.K., I'm busted here. I put the picture up at noon today and lunch hour came to a screaming halt when one of my production jobs crashed and I had to bail on a half-eaten tuna sammich to put out some fires. It's later in the evening and The Rack Monster beckons, but I gotta throw out a couple o' props.

The first goes to Andrew Malcom who is the sole voice of reason and wit who writes a blog called Top of the Ticket over at the lefty-suffused and hated Los Angeles Times. Andrew is a long time scrivener whose creds go back to the 60s, I believe. He is a regular on Ed Morrissey's internet show and the tales he tells..

I want to also call your attention to one of the very faithful visitors to my pathetic blog: Supi's Just an Artist always has some neat stuff there. Most recently, Supi ran a tribute to her dad who, I am guessing, was a B-24 pilot. (And we thank him for keeping our world free and safe.) My favorite, though, is her treatise on that other venerable Russian rifle, the Mosin Nagant. Her post, Mosin Nagant Humor, is a real treat if you know anything about them or even if you have only seen the move, Enemy at the Gates.

Like Carol, Tim, Odie, M.A., Chris, the newly-returned Bunni and the others in this fun little corner of the internet, Supi is part of the family.


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