May 2, 2010

This is what happens when you are old and have to get up at 0300 to relieve yourself.. run into articles like this and..well..conjure up images like the one below. Suffice to say, I will not be getting much sleep tonight.


  1. Hey, reread the comments on the skinny jeans thread. MadCon was talking to Diane, not me!! I wasn't talking dirty with the guy!! TXMom

  2. Firstly, thank you for stopping by. I am indeed honored. I have relished your comments since I started prowling the posts at HA!

    And I know. You were perfectly proper in that exchange. I just thought it was hilarious, the remark about the skinny jeans and the ski mask.

    Please do not be a stranger.

  3. Thanks. Are you by chance Coldwarrior? If so, I was hoping to meet you last year at the 9/12 rally.

  4. ..sorry, I am *a* cold warrior (USAF, SAC 1968-1977) but not *the* Coldwarrior.
