June 28, 2010

POTUS Groin-Kick; Byrd KKKicks bucket and other matters..

Boy, you go away a few days and things really begin to look up! we're talking SCOTUS Chicago (Chicago!) handgun ban reversal, the G20 deficit reduction groin kick meted out to The Clueless One, and the Dems losing their quintessential hypocrite and past KKK Kleegle. By the way, did you know that, if you Google "kleagle", the very first link is Byrd's Wikipedia link.

..somewhere there are a few bedsheets with holes in them who are missing an owner.


  1. How about "Byrd KKKicks Bucket" for a headline?

  2. Amended.

    ..devastatingly clever!

  3. Of course, the rainbows-and-unicorns crowd will likely come out with the old "mean-spirited conservatives" label (and probably a "RACIST!!" thrown in there for good measure), but how can you not feel a bit of joy when somebody that has been so destructive for so long is finally eliminated? The only sadness I feel is that a fellow human being has wasted his life in doing evil, and from all outward indications is going to have a most unpleasant Judgment Day. Other than that, I'm just glad that's he has successfully followed Teddy Kennedy's final footsteps.

  4. Of course the down side is that Mr. Byrd will continue to vote in the Senate for another ten years...

  5. I bet the Senate is looking for a good taxidermist right about now ;)
