..like lead and brass.
Just sayin'
I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table.
Editor's Note: This piece was published directly to the Huffington Post by its author. It didn't meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site.As much as I hate the Puffington Host I have to give credit where credit is due (and am somewhat shocked that they actually do have standards and took the article down).
First, I owe Glenn Beck an apology. I crossed the line. On the off chance something comes in over the transom...scratch that; I'll delete the email account. Problem solved.Even in apology this guy sounds like a communist (or at least his friend, whom he quotes, does). Lord, how have you let these people thrive in our beautiful nation?A friend commented:
The people on the left who parrot and jerk their knees are just as much an obstacle to an outcome that benefits the maximum number of people as the "sheepies" are.
"On his first non-vacation trip since his last vacation trip, President Obama flies down to the gulf region again today.
White House aides say the Democrat, sensitive to early spill criticism that his administration was slow to react to the country's worst-ever environmental disaster, will recommit the nation to help the battered region that's taken a lot of help in recent years.Republican president George W Bush consoles victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005
But wait. This trip is not about the oil spill that's become for Obama what Hurricane Katrina became at the time for George W. Bush, a federalized mess that many took as a sign of broader ineffectivness.
Now, however, there's an intriguing new poll out of several hundred Louisianans.
And they seem to have reached a somewhat unexpected verdict on the job performance of the successive presidents:
Public Policy Polling finds that today the most-impacted residents feel that the Republican President No. 43 displayed more leadership in his crisis than the Democratic President No. 44 has in his.
Despite all the controversy and subsequent political charges and recriminations, a clear majority (54%) now say they feel Bush handled the deadly hurricane's aftermath better than Obama did the oil spill (33%). More than 1,600 people died in one of the worst storms and subsequent flooding in U.S. history.
Bush's 21-point leadership approval spread has grown by six points during the last two months of the Obama administration.
As usual, Obama will give a speech during his New Orleans visit today. And another one Tuesday evening on Iraq."
Democratic Rep. Bobby Bright (Ala.) on Wednesday ducked a question on whether or not he would vote for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) by joking that she "might even get sick and die."
Bright, a centrist Blue Dog who voted against the healthcare reform law, made the comments in response to a question about whether he'd support Pelosi to retain the Speaker's gavel.
Speaking at a local Chamber of Commerce event, Bright "joked that Pelosi might lose her own election, decide not to run for the speaker’s job or otherwise not be available," the Montgomery Advertiser wrote.
He then suggested "jokingly" that Pelosi could fall ill and die in the coming months, thus preventing him from having to vote for her as Speaker. His remarks reportedly drew laughter from the audience.
Over-the-counter painkiller may help ease emotional slights, UF study finds
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Maybe that disgruntled JetBlue flight attendant should have popped a couple of Tylenols.
A University of Florida researcher says acetaminophen, an ingredient in the popular over-the-counter pain reliever, may relieve social pain from hurt feelings. The findings suggest for the first time that emotional and physical pain are interrelated, said Gregory Webster, a UF psychologist who co-authored the study with a team of researchers.
“We think that social pain piggybacks onto physical pain and the two systems sort of bleed into each other, so that just as you feel emotional distress from physical pain, the social pain of having a romance breakup or getting a horrible grade can translate into feeling sick to your stomach or getting a bad headache,” he said.
Acetaminophen may also show promise in curtailing antisocial behavior, Webster said.
What do you think? Read the article here at the Daily Caller and please pass it along to various social media outlets.“Avatar” is returning to theaters — this time in an even lengthier form — but the movie’s creator seems intent on once again mocking the very people that have made his success possible.
“Titanic” film director James Cameron quickly went for the oft-traversed intellectual low road of ad hominem attacks, recently attacking skeptics of global warming as those of piggish DNA.
“I think they’re swine,” said Cameron to the American Renewable Energy Day Summit in Aspen Sunday night. Laughingly, Cameron piggishly proclaimed “swine” just moments after receiving eco-ovations from the environmental Aspen crowd.
Why? He had praised a documentary that extolled the evils of a proposed hydropower project in Brazil that would ostensibly “displace a large tribal community,” therefore violating even more sacred limousine liberal codes: group identity and the hatred of capitalism.
Hydropower is “clean” by most mainstream standards, so go figure....
"He must have forgot[ten] (or assumes we all forget) that he helped pass both budgets in 2006 and 2007 that ended up giving him his little gift-wrapped deficit.
The man is completely shameless. Blaming Bush for a budget deficit that as a senator he had a hand in creating. Now they are not even passing a budget at all."
Mord on August 24, 2010 at 8:22 AM
"A friend of mine just started his own business, making landmines that look like prayer mats.
It's doing well. He says Prophets are going through the roof."
Martha's Vineyard Still Attracts Sh*tI thought this story referenced the Obama's latest vacation (this month) to Ted Kennedy's old drinking/whoring grounds, Martha's Vineyard, but it turns out it's about the salt-water lagoon fronting the first family’s vacation estate having high levels of fecal coliform bacteria.
Apparently, the reports of the First Lady pooping in the lagoon were true ("Hey Mom, what kind of fish is THAT?").
For the past few years (http://www.snopescom/ has positioned itself, or others have labeled it, as the 'tell-all final word' on any comment, claim and email. But for several years people tried to find out who exactly was behind snopes.com. Only recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it - kinda makes you wonder what they were hiding. Well, finally we know. It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California started the website about 13 years ago and they have no formal background or experience in investigative research. After a few years it gained popularity believing it to be unbiased and neutral, but over the past couple of years people started asking questions who was behind it and did they have a selfish motivation?
The reason for the questions - or skepticisms - is a result of snopes.com claiming to have the bottom line facts to certain questions or issue when in fact they have been proven wrong. Also, there were criticisms the Mikkelsons were not really investigating and getting to the 'true' bottom of various issues.
A few months ago, when my State Farm agent Bud Gregg in Mandeville hoisted a political sign referencing Barack Obama and made a big splash across the Internet, 'supposedly' the Mikkelson's claim to have researched this issue before posting their findings on snopes.com. In their statement they claimed the corporate office of State Farm pressured Gregg into taking down the sign, when in fact nothing of the sort 'ever' took place. I personally contacted David Mikkelson (and he replied back to me) thinking he would want to get to the bottom of this and I gave him Bud Gregg's contact phone numbers - and Bud was going to give him phone numbers to the big exec's at State Farm in Illinois who would have been willing to speak with him about it. He never called Bud. In fact, I learned from Bud Gregg that no one from snopes.com ever contacted anyone with State Farm.
Yet, snopes.com issued a statement as the 'final factual word' on the issue as if they did all their homework and got to the bottom of things - not!
Then it has been learned the Mikkelson's are very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this presidential election, liberals have a purpose agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative. There has been much criticism lately over the Internet with people pointing out the Mikkelson's liberalism revealing itself in their website findings. Gee, what a shock?
So, I say this now to everyone who goes to snopes.com to get what they think to be the bottom line fact 'proceed with caution.' Take what it says at face value and nothing more. Use it only to lead you to their references where you can link to and read the sources for yourself. Plus, you can always Google a subject and do the research yourself. It now seems apparent that's all the Mikkelson's do. After all, I can personally vouch from my own experience for their 'not' fully looking into things.
http://http//www.wikipedia.org/ or http://http//www.snopes.com/
I have found this to be true also! Many videos of Obama I tried to verify on Snopes and they said they were False. Then they gave their liberal slant! I have suspected some problems with snopes for some time now, but I have only caught them in half-truths. If there is any subjectivity they do an immediate full left rudder.
Truth or Fiction, is a better source for verification, in my opinion.
I have recently discovered that Snopes.com is owned by a flaming liberal and this man is in the tank for Obama. There are many things they have listed on their site as a hoax and yet you can go to You tube yourself and find the video of Obama actually saying these things. So you see, you cannot and should not trust Snopes.com, ever for anything that remotely resembles truth! I don't even trust them to tell me if email chains are hoaxes anymore.
A few conservative speakers on Myspace told me about Snopes.com. A few months ago and I took it upon myself to do a little research to find out if it was true. Well, I found out for myself that it is true. Anyway just FYI please don't use Snopes.com anymore for fact checking and make your friends aware of their political leanings as well. Many people still think Snopes.com is neutral and they can be trusted as factual. We need to make sure everyone is aware that that is a hoax in itself.
Thank you,
Alan Strong, CEO/Chairman
Commercial Programming Systems, Inc.
4400 Coldwater Canyon Ave. Suite
200 Studio City , CA. 91604-5039
Snopes receives more complaints that it is too liberal than that it is too conservative, but insists that it applies the same debunking standards to all political stories. FactCheck reviewed a sample of Snopes' responses to political rumors regarding George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, and found them to be free from bias in all cases. FactCheck noted that Barbara Mikkelson was a Canadian citizen (and thus unable to vote in American elections) and David Mikkelson was an independent who was once a registered Republican. "You’d be hard-pressed to find two more apolitical people," David Mikkelson told them.
“But they’re like the bitterness that Americans feel about the 2009 economic stimulus, which was oversold and has become politically toxic because its success is hard to measure.”
..hard to measure? Hard to measure? Let’s see, practically every stat, every indicator, every scintilla of objective criteria since February 2009 has plummeted, risen, flagged, waned, ballooned, and generally trended in an unfavorable direction.
Any whisper, breath, or hint of success in these criteria have been blown away by subsequent measurements. People laughingly hired at brain-dead-burger-flipper-like jobs (the census and other laughable make-work, CCC-like, new deal boondoggles) have been returned to the streets. Many people have been out of work for so long that they have dropped off the radar and are eking out a living by the most pathetic means possible and living off the meager stipend this leadership actually believes can represent stimulus in and of itself.
This nation slides inexorably towards total catastrophic break down and you say this is “hard to measure”.
AP, it’s like saying that the force of a 20-megaton. 2,000 foot air burst is hard to measure because the instruments got blown away.
Get serious, dude..
..and actually read the stuff you and Ed put up each hour, day, and week for the past 18 months.
The War Planner on August 17, 2010 at 11:35 PM
stimulus, which was oversold and has become politically toxic because its success is hard to measure.”
..hard to measure? Hard to measure? Let’s see, practically every stat, every indicator, every scintilla of objective criteria since February has plummeted, risen, flagged, waned, ballooned, and generally trended in an unfavorable direction.
Any whisper, breath, or hint of success in these criteria have been blown away by subsequent measurements. People laughingly hired at brain-dead-burger-flipper-like jobs (the census and other laughable make-work, CCC-like, new deal boondoggles) have been returned to the streets. Many people have been out of work for so long that they have dropped off the radar and are eking out a living by the most pathetic means possible and living off the meager stipend this leadership actually believes can represent stimulus in and of itself.
This nation slides inexorably towards total catastrophic break down and you say this is “hard to measure”.
AP, it’s like saying that the force of a 20-megaton. 2,000 foot air burst is hard to measure because the instruments got blown away.
Get serious, dude..
..and actually read the stuff you and ad Ed put up each hour, day, and week for the past 18 months.
The War Planner on August 17, 2010 at 11:35 PM
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"Boy, he sucks!" |
The massive traffic jam that resulted from President Obama's motorcade and speech Monday night in Hancock Park is prompting calls for an investigation from some residents, who say they were caught in traffic for hours.
Obama was only in L.A. for a few hours, but his presence caused numerous streets to be blocked off.
Residents reported that commutes and errands that typically took minutes turned into hours-long ordeals. One particular complaint was that streets remained blocked for hours -- even when Obama was inside TV producer John Wells' Hancock Park home at a fund-raiser.
"What has occurred is way beyond reasonable and can only be described as negligent," L.A. resident Kevin McCarthy said in an e-mail to The Times. "If it isn't my story, currently evolving, of beginning my 1 mile journey home at 5pm and at 7:50pm now being 3 miles from home with no viable idea of how to get closer, it should be about the two sirens-wailing ambulances I have witnessed stuck in this unnecessary gridlock."
Vice President Joe Biden held up airplane traffic for hours on Friday night at Los Angeles International Airport after an appearance on Jay Leno‘s ‘Tonight Show,’ leaving restless passengers fuming.
A spokesman for the vice president said he was unaware of the FAA temporary flight restriction that stopped flights coming in, and delayed those going out.
“I know we didn’t ask for anything,” Biden’s spokesman James Carney told TheWrap. “There was no sign of any stoppage. And there shouldn’t have been one.”
Oh, but there was. Passengers were stuck for anywhere from 45 minutes to four hours as a result (including this writer), leaving many of them fuming. In one LAX terminal, flights on Horizon, Alaska and Virgin Air had three-hour delays.
“I sincerely hope that the vice president was oblivious to the number of lives he inconvenienced by deciding to land at LAX and his attempted humor on the Tonight Show,” said Will Roos, the owner of an environmental company GreenUp who was on his way back from a business trip in Sun Valley.
He added: “Just on our small propeller plane it resulted in half the passengers missing their flight, everyone missing their checked luggage, and more than four hours of delay for those lucky enough to make it on the plane."
"I've Got A Boeing, And I'm Not Afraid To Use It," President Says
ANN April 1st Special Edition: The FAA has imposed a nationwide TFR until further notice at the request of President Barack Obama. The President, embarking on a campaign to pump up poll numbers for the recently-passed health care legislation, said he might need to travel just about anywhere on a moment's notice.
"I am asking the FAA to restrict most flight activities until we get the numbers up on this health care bill," the President said in a news briefing. "We have polling organizations all over the country conducting spot checks on the law's popularity, and where we see a need to go make an appearance, we want to be able to do that," the President said.
Jim Gray has submitted a bill to the White House and the Democratic National Committee in the amount of $2565 dollars, representing the business which has been lost at his Oakland Flyers flight school during a campaign fund-raising visit by President Obama.
The visit Thursday night brought a TFR to the Bay area of California from 1700 till 1000 Friday, which meant Gray's fleet sat parked, students had to have their lessons canceled, and both the flight school and the instructors lost money.
Gray comments, "If it was for something related to global affairs, I'd have no problem with it. But if it's just for fund raising, kind of do it on somebody else's dime."
The Coffee Party was a liberal agenda bust. The Cocoa Party was too. Then came One Nation. It too was mired in its own quicksand.
#5 - Thou shalt not bow down thyself to the Tea Parties, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy Government am a jealous, peevish, all-around bitchy Government, visiting the iniquity of the Founding Fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them raaaaacists that hate me;
#7 - Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy Government in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. The Attorney General shall be empowered to call the bitter cling-ons in the Tea Party a ‘nation of cowards’.
# 17 - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, again, dispensed with following the era of slavery, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s. See, if you covet materialistically for only yourself, you might be a capitalist. Focus on economic justice, a much more nuanced approach to avarice, and reach through the LORD thy Government.
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Michelle Obama, Sasha visit Md. State House
CSC_0814.JPGA visit to Maryland's State House billed as a sort of First Family summer school for 9-year-old Sasha Obama and her cousins briefly halted work inside the state capital and produced a spectacle in Annapolis on Tuesday as police pushed crowds further from the capital.
The visit was described as a "private tour" and a Washington Post reporter with an office in the State House was told to leave the building as the Obamas arrived. Other reporters were told they could not enter the building once the tour had begun. Several House and Senate staffers who were allowed to remain inside said they were told to turn away down hallways or into offices as the family passed. Outside a crowd of about 50 onlookers were pushed back three times, ultimately across a roadway.
A spokesman for Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) said Michelle Obama remarked that the tour was one of a series of summer educational trips.