..thanks to Tom Alexander.
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"Joe bloviates while a strange subliminal buzzing sound creeps into the mic.." |
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"Doin' the Limo Rock: how low can you go?.." |
When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.It shows that the labor workforce participation (the number of people "available" to work started it's slide mid-2008 but decreased precipitously since January 2009 and has remained chugging along below 59% since then.
When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.
In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.
The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either. They may desperately need and want jobs. They may be in poverty, as many undoubtedly are, with America suffering today more people in poverty than in the entire half century the Census Bureau has been counting poverty. But they are not even counted in that 8.3% unemployment rate that Obama and his media cheerleaders were so tirelessly celebrating last week.
If they were counted, the unemployment rate today would be a far more realistic 11%, better reflecting the suffering in the real economy under Obamanomics.
Just last month, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported finding 243,000 new jobs, they also reported in the same release that an additional 1.2 million workers had dropped out of the work force altogether, giving up hope under Obama. If labor force participation had remained the same in January, 2012 just as it was the month before in December, 2011, the unemployment rate would have risen to 8.7% in January rather than supposedly declining to 8.3% as reported.
Cost to operate a Chevy Volt
Eric Bolling (Fox Business Channel's Follow the Money) test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors.
For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.
Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9 gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles. It will take you 4 1/2 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.
According to General Motors, the Volt battery hold 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery.
The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned so I looked up what I pay for electricity.
I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh.
16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery.
$18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery.
Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine only that gets 32 mpg.
$3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile.
(Note 32miles at $0.75 per mile equates to $23.68/gal. You can be assured the suppliers of gasoline can calculate this too. I can guess where the price-per-gal of gas is going as more of these battery cars are forced upon us by “regulation” via EPA, et al.)
The gasoline powered car initially cost about $15,000 while the Volt costs $46,000.
So Obama wants us to pay 3 times as much for a car that costs more than 7 times as much to run and takes 3 times as long to drive across country.
"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."
This is what the Navy Seal team looked like when they went in to get Bin Laden. A couple of things to notice: 50 caliber sniper on the right. Knee, knuckle and forearm protection. Various plastic/wire ties. Absolute identity denial to protect their families. Free choice of footwear. Fourth from the right has three artillery simulators and CS gas grenades on his belly. He's the 'shock and awe' guy. This is a group photo of Seal Team Six; can you imagine the look on Bin Laden's face when these guys came through the door.[I'm thinking hash marks in his u-trow. - ed]
But let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American sailor, who Obama, just a few weeks before, was debating on whether or not to PAY, killed Bin Laden! In fact, if you remember a little less than two years ago, his administration actually charged and attempted to court-martial three Navy Seals from Seal Team Six, when a terrorist suspect they captured, complained they had punched him during the take-down and bloodied his nose. Obama’s administration further commented how brutal they were. The left were calling them Nazi's and Baby Killers. Now all of a sudden, the very brave men they vilified are now heroes when they make his administration look good in the eyes of the public. Obama just happened to be the one in office when the CIA finally found the bastard and our sailors took him out.And John adds this interesting historical footnote:
Essentially, Obama only gave an answer, Yes or No, to him being taken out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!
OBAMA'S OWN WORDS TRAP HIM:Thanks, Cappy, and thanks for your service, brother.
2008: "Navy Seal Team 6 is Cheney's private assassination team."
2011: "I put together Seal Team 6 to take out Bin Laden."
"2008: "Bin Laden is innocent until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial.
"2011: "I authorized Seal Team 6 to kill Bin Laden."
2008: " Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be interrogated."
2011: "Vital intelligence was obtained from Guantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden."
"Those who have had freedom and lost it will never see it again!"
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome."
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"Klaatu Borada Nicto, Ya'all" |
From: The War PlannerInnocent enough? Here's his response:
To: The Other Person
Sent: Sat, February 11, 2012 8:47:52 PM
Subject: Re: Judge Malihi is an Iranian Muslim??
I repeat my question I asked in response to your previous e-mail:
It's November 6th and you have two choices for president, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama.
Who will you vote for and why?
The War Planner
---- The Other Guy wrote:Still pretty innocent. I guess my response below was a little heavy handed:
I'm not voting for either one of those bastards, sorry. Hope that helps.
The Other Guy
From: The War PlannerHey, I guess I was spoiling for a fight. Here's his response:
To: The Other Person
Sent:Wed, February 15, 2012 9:42:39 AM
Subject: Re: Judge Malihi is an Iranian Muslim??
It does.
Please remove me from your mailing list and I want to thank you for being one of
the a**holes who will be saddling us with Obama for four more years. At present,
you are no better than the mindless mouth-breathing independents who brought us
your Beloved Obama in the first place. Hope you enjoy ObamaCare and the two
bright shiny new commie SCOTUS justices we will be getting.
The War Planner
---- The Other Guy wrote:It's on!
Go tell someone else how to vote, commie, who gives a shit what you think.
The Other Guy
From: The War PlannerO.K., I ain't all that innocent and I did unload on the guy. I am heartily sorry for my tantrum. But I just wanted to let him know the consequences of his actions. I ain't sayin' that ya gotta vote for Romney (or Santorum), but don't tell me you hate Obama, think he's a closet Kenyan, and want to move heaven and Earth to rid this country of him..
To: The Other Person
Subject: Appropriate Response
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012 6:56 AM
You *do* have a way with rhetoric, don't you?
..sorry if I offended you. It's just that the irony of someone like you who
despises Obama so much will probably be doing more to get him re-elected than
his most ardent fans. I loathe the bastard as much as you do and, under more
civil circumstances, we would probably have worked together to defeat him. But
you and your obdurate, intransigent, zero-tolerance conservatism along with the
others like you will assure four more years of this flamer and with it an
absolute certainty that ObamaCare will NOT be repealed.
Our egomaniacal Pantload POTUS will absolutely veto any attempt to scuttle his
legacy. Once that piece of legislation starts crapping dollars out to the
non-tax-paying grifters in our society, it becomes indelibly woven into our
fabric as an entitlement. Also, ANYTHING that our
possibly-Republican-controlled Congress puts on his desk will be vetoed as well.
Democrats will applaud him as the last bastion against the incredible Tea Party
assault of 2010/2012 and there will be NOTHING done to roll back the spending.
We will be in for another four years of debt-ceiling kabuki like we had last
Finally, what I alluded to before will come to pass. He will appoint AT LEAST
two ultra-liberal justices to the SCOTUS.
The net effect will be to turn this pile of dog crap into a folk hero for the
libs -- a modern day FDR replete with minority affirmative action creds -- all
because narrow-minded gorts like yourself refuse to think strategically; you
prefer the all-out frontal assault instead of a flanking movement. Suggest you
read up on General George Pickett.
But I suppose all of this is way over your head and outside of your ken so let
me couch my response in verbiage more commensurate with your diminished
cognitive processes. Oh yeah, how about this:
The War Planner
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch & lovingly filled it with delicious seeds.
What a beauty of a bird feeder it was.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio above the table and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table..
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own good intentions and limited budget.
Other birds became unruly, boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and
squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore.
So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like it used to be -- quiet, serene -- and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now let's see.
Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, free education and allows anyone born here to to be an automatic citizen.
Then the illegals came by the millions. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for all those FREE services. Now we have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor.
Our child's second grade class has fallen behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.
Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box. I have to press “one” to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than 'Old Glory' are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and more freebies.
Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.
Like I said, it shows competence in making money. Using that yardstick, Bush Sr would have been far more competent than Reagan. Just because someone’s made a bunch of money doesn’t mean they’re presidential material. That’s the idiotic ‘bot sell job they turn to in desperation when they’ve run out of polls to push.It depends how they made their money. Mitt didn’t earn his as a corrupt currency manipulator, or, er, as a reality show star. You all have plenty to criticize him over, to refuse to even acknowledge his unparallelled skills as (and commendable work ethic) is just more BCS*. Men like Jack Welch and Thomas Sternberg and Bernie Marcus know w.t.h. they’re talking about when they lavish praise on Romney for his incomporable leadership and business skills. *Bitter Clinger Syndrome.
ddrintn on February 11, 2012 at 10:42 AM
Soros has a lot more money, why don’t we get him?, oh wait, he’s already running the country.See above^^^^
neuquenguy on February 11, 2012 at 10:58 AM
Rockefeller Romney supporters have a compulsion to play the class warfare card in self defense of corporatism, just as Obama supporters rely on playing the race card.BLAH BLAH BLAH. Seriously, do you have any idea how annoying it to hear people misuse words like “corporatism”? I’m beyond fed up with candidates whining that they can’t win because they don’t have enough money to fund their campaign (and their whiny supporters). Here’s a clue: Plan ahead, get your ducks in a row, and raise money before you run.
maverick muse on February 11, 2012 at 10:29 AM
It is patently absurd to imagine that he wouldn’t. He has emphasized his commitment in every speech he gives and the plan he published when he began his campaign. There is no way in the freaking world that he would renege on that, even if he wanted to, and he doesn’t. If President Romney does not do all that a POTUS can do to repeal ObamaCare in full, he would promptly be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. And yes, I’ll bring the feathers.Exactly. They can’t handle the truth. It’s not coincidental that many of the people who make this preposterous argument are bitter Palinistas who will use any excuse to deride him, no matter how out of touch with reality. They hold a grudge against him because one Nicole Wallace, who worked for McCain, said mean things about Sarah and in their Tin Foil Hat world, that was Romney’s fault.
MJBrutus on February 11, 2012 at 10:36 AM
I am one of those who will not vote for Romney for any office and not feeling guilty because we have no clue how he would govern as he has flip flopped so much. His speech yesterday at CPAC was a lie because ten years ago he ran for MA Governor as a liberal so he has not lived the life of a conservative unless it was for votes.I’m going to Breitbart you (and anyone of your ilk) from now until Election Day:
PhiKapMom on February 11, 2012 at 10:43 AM
“You want a unity speech; I’ll give you a unity speech. I don’t care who the candidate is and I haven’t since the beginning of this. I haven’t. Ask not what a candidate can do for you, ask what you can do for the candidate. And that’s what the Tea Party is. We are there to confront them on behalf of our candidate. I will march behind whoever our candidate is because if we don’t we lose. There are two paths: One is America, and the other one is Occupy. One is America, the other one is Occupy. I don’t care…Buy Danish on February 11, 2012 at 11:40 AM
…Anyone who’s willing to stand next to me and fight the Progressive Left, I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.”
"Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Ka-lingggg!" |
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"Cold dead hands and all that, old chum.." |
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Do we get extra points if we hit the beer bottles?" |
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a U.S. government-chartered program that promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth. Any U.S. citizen who is not legally prohibited from owning a firearm may purchase a military surplus rifle from the CMP, provided they are a member of a CMP affiliated club. The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and state associations that covers every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.Basically, they operate out of two locations: Camp Perry near Port Clinton, Ohio (CMP North) and Anniston, Alabama (CMP South). I have purchased two rifles from them, the aforementioned Harrington & Richardson and a repatriated Greek Springfield from approximately the same era. The latter was a weapon we loaned to the Greeks in the late 1950s like we did with other NATO countries like Denmark, etc. These were recently given back to us and sent to the CMP for refurbishing and reselling. In the case of mine, the barrel was shot out and the stock had a peace symbol carved into it. So, off it went to Dean's Gun Restoration in Tennessee where it was rebarrelled and had a nice new stock put on it. Below is a picture I cadged from Dean's Website of the type of work he does: